Kamis, 12 Februari 2009

i made a huuuuuuuuuuuge gigantic mega-ultra-uber mistake, what is it? choosing the wrong HIGH SCHOOL

when i'm on the third grade, i made a huge misteke, because i accept my parents advice that i should go to THAT high school, my dad force me to go there because he thinks that it was the beeest high school, blah, it may look good, but i think it's kinda stinks, well come to think of it, i never ever enjoy a damn moment on it, i am being a total somebody that i'm not, i'm losing contacts with some of my friends, and i am as miserable as a dog on a rainy season. well i think it's okay on the first mid semester, but time after time, this is getting more and more and more depressing and i have a lack of sleeping bacause of it, because when your house is in cinere and your school is in kebayora, you have to get up early and go to that "so called" school,

i met friends in there but not as much as in when i'm in junior high, it was waaaaaaaaaaaaaay easier to make friends and make contact to them, but this is it, my choice, my "briliant and not wrong-at all" choice, yeeaah 3 years in desperado woo-hoo

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